Packages R

Révision datée du 11 janvier 2022 à 16:59 par Lvaudor (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Voici certains des packages R développés au sein d'ISIG. == Data science == === 📦 glitter === glitter makes SPARQL… This package aims at writing and sending SPARQL queries without any knowledge of the SPARQL language syntax. It makes the exploration and use of Linked Open Data (Wikidata in particular) easier for those who do not know SPARQL. == Hydrologie == === 📦 »)
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Voici certains des packages R développés au sein d'ISIG.

Data science

📦 [glitter]

glitter makes SPARQL…

This package aims at writing and sending SPARQL queries without any knowledge of the SPARQL language syntax. It makes the exploration and use of Linked Open Data (Wikidata in particular) easier for those who do not know SPARQL.


📦 [banqueHydro]

This package uses the banque hydro website to collect historic discharge data from gauging stations throughout France.

The website providing the data and documentation is [[1]].


📦 [riverbed]

riverbed is a package which is intended to facilitate the calculation of surfaces and volumes described with topological profiles (such as river long profiles or river transects)

📦 [woody]

This package imports wood log data and all related discharge data to run a random forest regression that to predicts wood flux according to some discharge history variables.

You will have to install package banqueHydro, too, to be able to use it.

📦 [braidHymo]

The goal of braidHymo is to calculate hydromorphological indexes BRI* and W* regarding braiding rivers.