« Données de référence France » : différence entre les versions

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! producer !! product !! description !! type !! mapdo_priority !! link !! comment !! download !! download_comment !! wmts !! wmts_comment !! vector_tiles !! vector_tiles_comment !! wms !! wms_comment !! wfs !! wfs_comment !! api !! api_comment !! api_link
! producer  
! product  
! description  
! type  
! mapdo_priority  
! link  
! comment  
! download  
! download_comment  
! wmts  
! wmts_comment  
! vector_tiles  
! vector_tiles_comment  
! wms  
! wms_comment  
! wfs  
! wfs_comment  
! api  
! api_comment  
! api_link


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> PLAN IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> IGN recent and ancien maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/planign</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> We miss the mosaic graph Etat-Major maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department. Only recent maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Recent maps. Etat-major. Scan 50 1950 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> only recent maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Recent maps. Etat-major. scan 50 1950 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| IGN recent and ancien maps  
| maps  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/planign</nowiki>  
| We miss the mosaic graph Etat-Major maps  
| yes  
| Download by department. Only recent maps  
| yes  
| Recent maps. Etat-major. Scan 50 1950  
| yes  
| only recent maps  
| yes  
| Recent maps. Etat-major. scan 50 1950  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD ORTHO <nowiki>||</nowiki> Recent aerial photography and infra red color <nowiki>||</nowiki> imagery <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdortho</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department. images from 2010. thrue color and infra red color <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> France mosaic 20cm images. 50cm. 2022. 2022 infra red color <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> France mosaic BD ORTHO 20cm. BD ORTHO 50cm. EXPRESS 2022. EXPRESS 2022 infra red color <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Recent aerial photography and infra red color  
| imagery  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdortho</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department. images from 2010. thrue color and infra red color  
| yes  
| France mosaic 20cm images. 50cm. 2022. 2022 infra red color  
| no  
| yes  
| France mosaic BD ORTHO 20cm. BD ORTHO 50cm. EXPRESS 2022. EXPRESS 2022 infra red color  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD TOPO <nowiki>||</nowiki> Landuse. infrastructures. hydrography. activities <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdtopo</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department or whole France. Each year from 2008. Format shapefile geopackage SQL <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by thematic <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One vector tiles for all the thematics <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by thematic <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS for each layer <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki> not yet <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Landuse. infrastructures. hydrography. activities  
| landuse  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdtopo</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department or whole France. Each year from 2008. Format shapefile geopackage SQL  
| yes  
| One WMTS by thematic  
| yes  
| One vector tiles for all the thematics  
| yes  
| One WMTS by thematic  
| yes  
| One WFS for each layer  
| no  
| not yet  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> OCS GE <nowiki>||</nowiki> New landuse refefrence <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 3 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/ocsge</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> Only avalaible for some region or department depending of the year. Not for the whole France territory <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department or region or municipality <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by year 2002 2014 2016 2019 latest and thematic <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One vector tiles for all thematics for 2016 and 2019 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMS by year 2016 2019 latest and thematic <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| IGN  
| OCS GE  
| New landuse refefrence  
| landuse  
| 3  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/ocsge</nowiki>  
| Only avalaible for some region or department depending of the year. Not for the whole France territory  
| yes  
| Download by department or region or municipality  
| yes  
| One WMTS by year 2002 2014 2016 2019 latest and thematic  
| yes  
| One vector tiles for all thematics for 2016 and 2019  
| yes  
| One WMS by year 2016 2019 latest and thematic  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> RGE ALTI <nowiki>||</nowiki> DEM <30cm flood zone and littoral. 1m and 5m the other zone <nowiki>||</nowiki> elevation <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/rgealti</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS by contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Contour line and RGE ALTI source with accuracy <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| DEM <30cm flood zone and littoral. 1m and 5m the other zone  
| elevation  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/rgealti</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department  
| yes  
| One WMTS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy  
| no  
| yes  
| One WMS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy  
| yes  
| One WFS by contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy  
| yes  
| Contour line and RGE ALTI source with accuracy  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> RPG <nowiki>||</nowiki> Graphic parcel register for agriculture <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 3 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/rpg</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by France or region <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation.  rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022 <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS by rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| RPG  
| Graphic parcel register for agriculture  
| landuse  
| 3  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/rpg</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by France or region  
| yes  
| One WMTS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation.  rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022  
| no  
| yes  
| One WMS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022  
| yes  
| One WFS by rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010  
| yes  
| Rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN MNHN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD FORET <nowiki>||</nowiki> Forest and environmental regulations <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdforet</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department V1 or V2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/nature</nowiki>
| Forest and environmental regulations  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdforet</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department V1 or V2  
| yes  
| One WMTS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer  
| no  
| yes  
| One WMS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer  
| yes  
| One WFS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer  
| yes  
| Forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/nature</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD CARTO ETAT-MAJOR <nowiki>||</nowiki> Vector landscape elements 19th century Etat-major maps 1:40000 <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto-em</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS by thematic for level 3 and 4 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> By thematics for level 3 and 4 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Vector landscape elements 19th century Etat-major maps 1:40000  
| landuse  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto-em</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department  
| yes  
| Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics  
| no  
| yes  
| Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics  
| yes  
| One WFS by thematic for level 3 and 4  
| yes  
| By thematics for level 3 and 4  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD CARTO <nowiki>||</nowiki> Vector landscape elements each year <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department or region or whole France <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMS by thematic <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS for each layers <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Vector landscape elements each year  
| landuse  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department or region or whole France  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| One WMS by thematic  
| yes  
| One WFS for each layers  
| yes  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD ORTHO HISTORIQUE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Aerial photography from 1945 to 1965 <nowiki>||</nowiki> imagery <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdorthohisto</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020 <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015 <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Aerial photography from 1945 to 1965  
| imagery  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdorthohisto</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by department  
| yes  
| Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020  
| no  
| yes  
| Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> ORTHO-SAT <nowiki>||</nowiki> Ortho images from satellites. SPOT and PLEIADES <nowiki>||</nowiki> imagery <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/ortho-sat</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download on Dinamis platform <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> WMTS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> WMS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| Ortho images from satellites. SPOT and PLEIADES  
| imagery  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/ortho-sat</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download on Dinamis platform  
| yes  
| WMTS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available  
| no  
| yes  
| WMS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year  
| yes  
| Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> ADMIN EXPRESS <nowiki>||</nowiki> The administrative division of the French territory <nowiki>||</nowiki> administrative <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/adminexpress</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download whole France <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One vector tiles for all layers <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> One WFS by layer for 2021 or latest <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> By layer for 2021 or latest <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>
| IGN  
| The administrative division of the French territory  
| administrative  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/adminexpress</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download whole France  
| yes  
| One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest  
| yes  
| One vector tiles for all layers  
| yes  
| One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest  
| yes  
| One WFS by layer for 2021 or latest  
| yes  
| By layer for 2021 or latest  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> IGN <nowiki>||</nowiki> SCAN 25 <nowiki>||</nowiki> Maps 1:25000. Not free <nowiki>||</nowiki> maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/scan25</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> See condition to brodcast or access to the maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by department <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> All maps in one WMTS for 25000 <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> All maps in one WMTS for 25000 or 100000 <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| IGN  
| SCAN 25  
| Maps 1:25000. Not free  
| maps  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://geoservices.ign.fr/scan25</nowiki>  
| See condition to brodcast or access to the maps  
| yes  
| Download by department  
| yes  
| All maps in one WMTS for 25000  
| no  
| yes  
| All maps in one WMTS for 25000 or 100000  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> CESBIO <nowiki>||</nowiki> OSO <nowiki>||</nowiki> CES occupation des sols. Landuse from satellite images <nowiki>||</nowiki> landuse <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.theia-land.fr/ceslist/ces-occupation-des-sols/</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Vector or raster by department from 2016 each year : <nowiki>https://theia.cnes.fr/atdistrib/rocket/#/search?collection=OSO</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| OSO  
| CES occupation des sols. Landuse from satellite images  
| landuse  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.theia-land.fr/ceslist/ces-occupation-des-sols/</nowiki>  
| yes  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> Vector or raster by department from 2016 each year : <nowiki>https://theia.cnes.fr/atdistrib/rocket/#/search?collection=OSO</nowiki>  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> MNHN <nowiki>||</nowiki> Régions biogéographiques <nowiki>||</nowiki> Biogeographic region <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/ref/rbg</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| MNHN  
| Régions biogéographiques  
| Biogeographic region  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/ref/rbg</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> MNHN <nowiki>||</nowiki> Trame verte et bleue <nowiki>||</nowiki> Environment politic about ecologic continuity <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 3 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/trame/tvb</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| MNHN  
| Trame verte et bleue  
| Environment politic about ecologic continuity  
| environment  
| 3  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/trame/tvb</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> EEA <nowiki>||</nowiki> EUNIS <nowiki>||</nowiki> European habitat classification <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 3 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eunis-habitat-classification-1</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by habitat type <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| EEA  
| European habitat classification  
| environment  
| 3  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eunis-habitat-classification-1</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by habitat type  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> BRGM <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD LISA <nowiki>||</nowiki> Aquifer System Boundary Database <nowiki>||</nowiki> geology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://bdlisa.eaufrance.fr/telechargement</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by region all format available <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| BRGM  
| Aquifer System Boundary Database  
| geology  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://bdlisa.eaufrance.fr/telechargement</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by region all format available  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> SCHAPI <nowiki>||</nowiki> HYDROMETRIE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Discharge and height from hydrologic station <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydrology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://hydro.eaufrance.fr/</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Download by hydrologic station <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> Only daily or monthly mean height or discharge values <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://hubeau.eaufrance.fr/page/api-hydrometrie</nowiki>
| Discharge and height from hydrologic station  
| hydrology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://hydro.eaufrance.fr/</nowiki>  
| yes  
| Download by hydrologic station  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| Only daily or monthly mean height or discharge values  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://hubeau.eaufrance.fr/page/api-hydrometrie</nowiki>


<nowiki>|</nowiki> SANDRE <nowiki>||</nowiki> BD TOPAGE <nowiki>||</nowiki> The French hydrographic reference system <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydrology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> Updated each year <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| The French hydrographic reference system  
| hydrology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki>  
| Updated each year  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> OFB <nowiki>||</nowiki> CARHYCE <nowiki>||</nowiki> The Carhyce protocol allows to quantify the hydromorphological alteration of rivers <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydromorphology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://carhyce.eaufrance.fr/login.htm</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> By station or the whole by xml (not tried) <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki> no yet <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| OFB  
| The Carhyce protocol allows to quantify the hydromorphological alteration of rivers  
| hydromorphology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://carhyce.eaufrance.fr/login.htm</nowiki>  
| yes  
| By station or the whole by xml (not tried)  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no yet  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> OFB <nowiki>||</nowiki> SYRAH-CE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Relational System of Audit of the Hydromorphology of the Rivers <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydromorphology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/9c86a5da-88f4-4819-a84e-c09a69394a34</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| OFB  
| Relational System of Audit of the Hydromorphology of the Rivers  
| hydromorphology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/9c86a5da-88f4-4819-a84e-c09a69394a34</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> OFB <nowiki>||</nowiki> Taux d’étagement <nowiki>||</nowiki> Staging rate <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydromorphology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| OFB  
| Taux d’étagement  
| Staging rate  
| hydromorphology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> OFB <nowiki>||</nowiki> ROE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Referential of the obstacles to the flow <nowiki>||</nowiki> hydromorphology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 1 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/070df464-73d3-4c00-be2f-93f2a97ef8f5</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| OFB  
| ROE  
| Referential of the obstacles to the flow  
| hydromorphology  
| 1  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/070df464-73d3-4c00-be2f-93f2a97ef8f5</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> INRA <nowiki>||</nowiki> Milieux potentiellement humides de France <nowiki>||</nowiki> Potentially wetlands of France scale 1:100000 <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>http://geowww.agrocampus-ouest.fr/portails/?portail=mph</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2014 <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki> Need to ask the data <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| INRA  
| Milieux potentiellement humides de France  
| Potentially wetlands of France scale 1:100000  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>http://geowww.agrocampus-ouest.fr/portails/?portail=mph</nowiki>  
| 2014  
| no  
| Need to ask the data  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> Réseau Partenarial des Données sur les Zones Humides (RPDZH) <nowiki>||</nowiki> Inventaire de zones humides <nowiki>||</nowiki> wetland inventory <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>http://www.geosource.reseau-zones-humides.org/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> GIS : <nowiki>http://sig.reseau-zones-humides.org/</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> "can't download a France dataset, need to ask if they already compile the data" <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| Réseau Partenarial des Données sur les Zones Humides (RPDZH)  
| Inventaire de zones humides  
| wetland inventory  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>http://www.geosource.reseau-zones-humides.org/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home</nowiki>  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> GIS : <nowiki>http://sig.reseau-zones-humides.org/</nowiki>  
| yes  
| "can't download a France dataset, need to ask if they already compile the data"  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> BNPE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Ouvrage de prélèvements <nowiki>||</nowiki> Water withdrawal structures <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/2a6fdd18-39ef-4d8a-8e84-84ef86e4a159</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| BNPE  
| Ouvrage de prélèvements  
| Water withdrawal structures  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/2a6fdd18-39ef-4d8a-8e84-84ef86e4a159</nowiki>  
| yes  
| no  
| no  
| yes  
| yes  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> BNPE <nowiki>||</nowiki> Volume de prélèvement en eau <nowiki>||</nowiki> Volume of water withdrawal <nowiki>||</nowiki> environment <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>https://bnpe.eaufrance.fr/acces-donnees/codeRegion/84/annee/2020</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki> "Link to summary with url, data not available" <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| BNPE  
| Volume de prélèvement en eau  
| Volume of water withdrawal  
| environment  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>https://bnpe.eaufrance.fr/acces-donnees/codeRegion/84/annee/2020</nowiki>  
| "Link to summary with url, data not available"  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


<nowiki>|</nowiki> BRGM <nowiki>||</nowiki> Bd Charm-50 <nowiki>||</nowiki> georeferenced database of vectorized and harmonized 1:50000 geological maps <nowiki>||</nowiki> geology <nowiki>||</nowiki> 2 <nowiki>||</nowiki> <nowiki>http://infoterre.brgm.fr/formulaire/telechargement-cartes-geologiques-departementales-150-000-bd-charm-50</nowiki> <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> yes <nowiki>||</nowiki> need to ask. download by department. <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki> no <nowiki>||</nowiki>  <nowiki>||</nowiki>
| BRGM  
| Bd Charm-50  
| georeferenced database of vectorized and harmonized 1:50000 geological maps  
| geology  
| 2  
<nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>http://infoterre.brgm.fr/formulaire/telechargement-cartes-geologiques-departementales-150-000-bd-charm-50</nowiki>  
| yes  
| need to ask. download by department.  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  
| no  


Version du 23 janvier 2023 à 14:52

{| class="wikitable"

! producer

! product

! description

! type

! mapdo_priority

! link

! comment

! download

! download_comment

! wmts

! wmts_comment

! vector_tiles

! vector_tiles_comment

! wms

! wms_comment

! wfs

! wfs_comment

! api

! api_comment

! api_link




| IGN recent and ancien maps

| maps

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/planign

| We miss the mosaic graph Etat-Major maps

| yes

| Download by department. Only recent maps

| yes

| Recent maps. Etat-major. Scan 50 1950

| yes

| only recent maps

| yes

| Recent maps. Etat-major. scan 50 1950

| yes

| Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950

| yes

| Mosaic graph scan 25 and scan 50 1950

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Recent aerial photography and infra red color

| imagery

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdortho


| yes

| Download by department. images from 2010. thrue color and infra red color

| yes

| France mosaic 20cm images. 50cm. 2022. 2022 infra red color

| no


| yes

| France mosaic BD ORTHO 20cm. BD ORTHO 50cm. EXPRESS 2022. EXPRESS 2022 infra red color

| yes

| Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022

| yes

| Mosaic graph BD ORTHO 20cm and 50cm in a same graph. EXPRESS 2022

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Landuse. infrastructures. hydrography. activities

| landuse

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdtopo


| yes

| Download by department or whole France. Each year from 2008. Format shapefile geopackage SQL

| yes

| One WMTS by thematic

| yes

| One vector tiles for all the thematics

| yes

| One WMTS by thematic

| yes

| One WFS for each layer

| no

| not yet





| New landuse refefrence

| landuse

| 3

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/ocsge

| Only avalaible for some region or department depending of the year. Not for the whole France territory

| yes

| Download by department or region or municipality

| yes

| One WMTS by year 2002 2014 2016 2019 latest and thematic

| yes

| One vector tiles for all thematics for 2016 and 2019

| yes

| One WMS by year 2016 2019 latest and thematic

| no


| no






| DEM <30cm flood zone and littoral. 1m and 5m the other zone

| elevation

| 1

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/rgealti


| yes

| Download by department

| yes

| One WMTS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy

| no


| yes

| One WMS by slope.  whole DEM RGE ALTI. DTM RGE ALTI. SRTM. BD ALTI 25m. contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy

| yes

| One WFS by contour line. RGE ALTI source with accuracy

| yes

| Contour line and RGE ALTI source with accuracy

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Graphic parcel register for agriculture

| landuse

| 3

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/rpg


| yes

| Download by France or region

| yes

| One WMTS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation.  rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022

| no


| yes

| One WMS by year from 2007. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. agriculture slope UE BCAE5 regulation. rivers BCAE1 UE regulation 2022

| yes

| One WFS by rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010

| yes

| Rivers UE regulation BCAE1 2022. RPG from 2010

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Forest and environmental regulations

| environment

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdforet


| yes

| Download by department V1 or V2

| yes

| One WMTS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer

| no


| yes

| One WMS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer

| yes

| One WFS by forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer

| yes

| Forest inventory V1 or V2 or by layer

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/nature




| Vector landscape elements 19th century Etat-major maps 1:40000

| landuse

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto-em


| yes

| Download by department

| yes

| Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics

| no


| yes

| Available for level 3 and 4 all thematics

| yes

| One WFS by thematic for level 3 and 4

| yes

| By thematics for level 3 and 4

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Vector landscape elements each year

| landuse

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdcarto


| yes

| Download by department or region or whole France

| no


| no


| yes

| One WMS by thematic

| yes

| One WFS for each layers

| yes


| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Aerial photography from 1945 to 1965

| imagery

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/bdorthohisto


| yes

| Download by department

| yes

| Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020

| no


| yes

| Photo for each year from 2000. France mosaic 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015. ORTHO EXPRESS 2021 with infra red color. ORTHO infra red color from 2013 to 2020

| yes

| Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015

| yes

| Mosaic graph ortho 1950-1965 or 2000-2005 or 2006-2010 or 2011-2015

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| Ortho images from satellites. SPOT and PLEIADES

| imagery

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/ortho-sat


| yes

| Download on Dinamis platform

| yes

| WMTS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available

| no


| yes

| WMS whole France each year SPOT satellite from 2014. PLEIADES not yet available

| yes

| Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year

| yes

| Mosaic graph for SPOT from 2014 to 2016 each year

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search




| The administrative division of the French territory

| administrative

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/adminexpress


| yes

| Download whole France

| yes

| One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest

| yes

| One vector tiles for all layers

| yes

| One WMTS for all layers. 2021 or latest

| yes

| One WFS by layer for 2021 or latest

| yes

| By layer for 2021 or latest

| https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/wfs-geoportail#/Geoportail/get_wfs_geoportail_search



| SCAN 25

| Maps 1:25000. Not free

| maps

| 2

| https://geoservices.ign.fr/scan25

| See condition to brodcast or access to the maps

| yes

| Download by department

| yes

| All maps in one WMTS for 25000

| no


| yes

| All maps in one WMTS for 25000 or 100000

| no


| no






| CES occupation des sols. Landuse from satellite images

| landuse

| 2

| https://www.theia-land.fr/ceslist/ces-occupation-des-sols/


| yes

| Vector or raster by department from 2016 each year : https://theia.cnes.fr/atdistrib/rocket/#/search?collection=OSO

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no





| Régions biogéographiques

| Biogeographic region

| environment

| 2

| https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/ref/rbg


| yes


| no


| no


| no


| yes


| no





| Trame verte et bleue

| Environment politic about ecologic continuity

| environment

| 3

| https://inpn.mnhn.fr/telechargement/cartes-et-information-geographique/trame/tvb


| yes


| no


| no


| no


| no


| no






| European habitat classification

| environment

| 3

| https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/eunis-habitat-classification-1


| yes

| Download by habitat type

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no






| Aquifer System Boundary Database

| geology

| 2

| https://bdlisa.eaufrance.fr/telechargement


| yes

| Download by region all format available

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no






| Discharge and height from hydrologic station

| hydrology

| 1

| https://hydro.eaufrance.fr/


| yes

| Download by hydrologic station

| no


| no


| no


| no


| yes

| Only daily or monthly mean height or discharge values

| https://hubeau.eaufrance.fr/page/api-hydrometrie




| The French hydrographic reference system

| hydrology

| 1

| https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home

| Updated each year

| yes


| no


| no


| no


| yes


| no






| The Carhyce protocol allows to quantify the hydromorphological alteration of rivers

| hydromorphology

| 1

| https://carhyce.eaufrance.fr/login.htm


| yes

| By station or the whole by xml (not tried)

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no

| no yet





| Relational System of Audit of the Hydromorphology of the Rivers

| hydromorphology

| 1

| https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/9c86a5da-88f4-4819-a84e-c09a69394a34


| yes


| no


| no


| no


| no


| no





| Taux d’étagement

| Staging rate

| hydromorphology

| 1

| https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home


| yes


| no


| no


| no


| no


| no






| Referential of the obstacles to the flow

| hydromorphology

| 1

| https://data.eaufrance.fr/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/070df464-73d3-4c00-be2f-93f2a97ef8f5


| yes


| no


| no


| no


| yes


| no





| Milieux potentiellement humides de France

| Potentially wetlands of France scale 1:100000

| environment

| 2

| http://geowww.agrocampus-ouest.fr/portails/?portail=mph

| 2014

| no

| Need to ask the data

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no




| Réseau Partenarial des Données sur les Zones Humides (RPDZH)

| Inventaire de zones humides

| wetland inventory

| environment

| 2

| http://www.geosource.reseau-zones-humides.org/geosource/srv/fre/catalog.search#/home

| GIS : http://sig.reseau-zones-humides.org/

| yes

| "can't download a France dataset, need to ask if they already compile the data"

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no





| Ouvrage de prélèvements

| Water withdrawal structures

| environment

| 2

| https://www.sandre.eaufrance.fr/atlas/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/2a6fdd18-39ef-4d8a-8e84-84ef86e4a159


| yes


| no


| no


| yes


| yes


| no





| Volume de prélèvement en eau

| Volume of water withdrawal

| environment

| 2

| https://bnpe.eaufrance.fr/acces-donnees/codeRegion/84/annee/2020

| "Link to summary with url, data not available"

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no


| no





| Bd Charm-50

| georeferenced database of vectorized and harmonized 1:50000 geological maps

| geology

| 2

| http://infoterre.brgm.fr/formulaire/telechargement-cartes-geologiques-departementales-150-000-bd-charm-50


| yes

| need to ask. download by department.

| no


| no


| no


| no


| no


